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Known Milwaukee Area Computer Users Groups

bullet The Milwaukee Area IBM-PC Users Group promotes and facilitates the use of personal computers. Our members own IBM or compatible machines and we have collectively gained a great deal of expertise. We are usually able to offer solutions to the quandaries of other users. We all try to be of assistance to any other member with a problem.


bullet M.A.C.E. was founded in 1983 as a Commodore user group and has recently changed its name to reflect the fact that many of its members have gone on to use other platforms. We still retain affection for the Commodore and Amiga computers and will continue to support new users who wish to learn how to make the best use of these computers. To this end, we hold monthly meetings, publish The Monitor Newsletter monthly, maintain a public domain library of disks for both the Amiga and C-64/128 computers, and hold a variety of SIG (Special Interest Group) meetings.


bullet The Milwaukee Home Users Group (MHUG) is a nonprofit club for people interested in personal computers. The club was originally organized in 1978 as the Milwaukee Heath Users Group to foster interest in the early family of Heathkit Computers. Eventually, the Heath Company merged with Zenith. As technology progressed their product line evolved to finally encompass a line of PC compatibles. Over the years the club stayed abreast of the advances in the Heath/Zenith computers. While there are still a few members who still own some of their earlier Heath computers, the club has evolved into a PC user group following the latest technologies in the computer hardware and software. To reflect the new interests of the club the name was changed a few years ago to the Milwaukee Home Users Group. MHUG meets on the 3rd Saturdays at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Jerry Lent at (414) 421-4214 or Carl Pluckhan at (414) 425-6071


bulletThe Madison PC Users' Group publishes a monthly newsletter, maintains a BBS, a shareware library, and hosts vendor presentations. The Special Interest Groups include Community, Investment, Java, New Users, OS2, PDA, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.


bullet NAIC: What can you find at the NAIC Web site? "Better Investing" magazine, Green Sheets, Online Workshop notes, Datafiles for downloading, and much more. Us the "Site Search" or "FAQ" to locate information.

What can you find at the NAIC Web site? "Better Investing" magazine, Green Sheets, Online Workshop notes, Datafiles for downloading, and much more. Us the "Site Search" or "FAQ" to locate information.

bulletThe Southeastern Wisconsin Windows User Group was founded in 1992 to provide members an opportunity to learn or increase their knowledge of Microsoft Windows or software operating in the Windows environment. We can assist you in making your computer more efficient by sharing our collective experience with IBM compatible personal computers using Windows. The group generally meets on 1st Wednesday of every month in the Brookfield Library. For more information, check out http://www.sewwug.org


bulletThe primary focus of the group is on the Microsoft Visual Studio tools for Windows development, including Visual Basic, C#, Visual FoxPro, SQL Server, .NET Framework, Transaction Server, and Visual SourceSafe. However, we also do discuss other tools that use Visual Basic, e.g. Access, Excel, Visual Basic Script, and other topics related to Windows development. Our group contains both individuals who use the Visual Studio tools in their profession and those who are using them in a hobby capacity at home. The interests of the group vary from business system development, to database development, to writing utilities, to writing games and multimedia applications and everywhere in-between. The group meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Brookfield Library.


bulletCCUG (Combined Computer Users Group) consists of several user groups that help at Supercomputersales at State Fair Park in Milwaukee. The group serves as a help desk for users visiting the sale.  For more information, contact jhirsh@wi.rr.com


bullet The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Guild includes the Computer Special Interest Group will now meet at Mitchell Hall, room 140 at our usual time, 9 am.  Parking could be a problem so try using the UWM parking lots at Veteran's Marina or the lot at Capitol Drive adjacent to WTMJ and using the no charge bus service to the campus.  Buses run on a 10 to 20 minute schedule.  Printed schedules may be available at the watchman's shack for the future.  Underground paid parking is also available under the UWM Union.
Please consider subjects for some of our future meetings that we could conduct with more formal structure and voice your ideas at the meeting.  Please note: my new email address: rfolz@sbcglobal.net
bullet Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linux Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. Click on the link below to find out more about the operating system that is causing a revolution in the world of computers. Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturdays at WCTC.







Send mail to  deanberg@wi.rr.com  with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 03/20/05

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